Mrs. Mimin Weliana (52) is hard scooter lover. When she was young, she was famous as a road racer in Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia, his origin town. The soul as biker is embedding till now. She have gone surrounding Indonesia and South East Asia.
The adventure was began in 2004. She have made her first journey surrounding Indonesia. Then, the second journey is made in 2005. The route is Tasikmalaya, Batam (Indonesia), Singapore, Malaysia, Philippine, Thailand, and Vietnam. At this moment, she was ordered by Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, The Indonesian President to promote Indonesian tourism in the country that she was through.
Next, the spectacular journey will make in 2009 . She will make a pill grime to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, usually called as hajji, one of the Moslem obligation. This plan is getting support again from Mr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, The Indonesian President. She have meet him, and he will give financial support to realizing her plan. She is preparing the route of her journey. She will go back Indonesia by air plane and leave her lovely vespa in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
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wah sip mex..
aku ma;ah baru ngerti nek kwe doyan mespa..
wah sip mex
aku malah baru tau kalo kamu doyan mespa..
keren,kamu dapet artikel itu dari sumber mana???
keren me' bener2 keren
thank buat harga mio nya
To: Fand
yup, i use vespa as my daily vehicle
To: Anonymous
of course by surfing in the web which provide any source that contain the related topic.
before i write these article, i was remembered that i have ever watched kick andy at metro tv in few months ago which present mrs mimin as resource person
To: Rangga
ok...thats what a friend for
i am trying hard to increase my ability in using English language, so i make blog in english and
i prefer you using english when you give any comment to my article,
beside that, people from other countries could get benefit from information that i write in these blog.
best regard
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